
I value family and the role they play to help me every day, and how they helped me become who I am. I value the lessons they have taught me.
I have always loved playing sports and being dedicated to working hard for a goal. I grew up playing many sports: hockey, soccer, basketball, dance, track, and volleyball. I played volleyball competitively for 5 years. I practiced and trained 3 times a week with my team. Going up and playing sports has taught me hard work, dedication, perseverance, discipline, equity, inclusion, and much more. Sports was and still is a passion. what I value is all those aspects sports have taught me. I hope I can help students find whatever they are passionate about and build those values with them.

1-year goals: My goal for the end of 2022 is to finish school in December with my bachelor of education. Once I have my certificate I would like to find a job teaching a primary grade in Fort St John, BC. My goal would be to be in a grade one class. I hope that I can find a job as soon as I finish so I can start establishing myself as an official teacher in the community of school district 60.
Bachelor of Arts goals. I got accepted into the education program with 90 credits, 30 shy of finishing my Bachelor’s degree in general studies. My goal is to finish that so I can have two degrees under my belt. I have been accepted into Thompson Rivers University to finish my goal of completing my Bachelor’s.
Classroom goals: I want my classroom to be a calm, safe, welcoming space for all students. I would like my classroom to have neutral colours that are not distracting. I want a corner dedicated to a classroom library, and a quiet space for students if they need a couple of moments to themselves. I hope to have a learning carpet as I want to do most of my teaching well students are together and not at desks. As for a seating plan, I want it to be up to students where they choose to sit. All supplies will then be kept in a bin to help keep students organized.

This is a drawing of a class that was done as an activity in a diverse classroom class in Educ. This picture represents a goal for a classroom setup I would like to have one day.
- the idea behind this class is trying to make it an inclusive workspace for all. The U space/pick your own gives students choice. Depending on the day it may be hard to sit with certain people. ( the choice would be taken away if need be by the teacher (me)) the circle in the middle could be a collaborative carpet or table to bring students to work. A rainbow table in the topic left corner for collaborative working between teacher and students, and another table in the back left corner for another workspace.
- A quiet library corner/workspace. This allows a space for students to take a minute away or to read a book.
I want to create a safe, whole student learning environment for all students.
Future/long-term goals: One day I would like to do a master’s history. I have always found the history of the world fascinating.