Art Education lesson:
Students had complete creative choices. They could pick the rock they wanted to paint, the colours they wanted, and what image they wanted to paint. The big idea behind the lesson was that “people create art to express who they are as individuals and community”
Core competency: Creating and innovating; the idea or product may have value in a variety of ways and contexts… I can get new ideas or reinterpret others’ ideas in novel ways.

Critical and Reflective

Personal and Social
Personal awareness and responsibility

Career ed lesson:
Students are to pick two summer goals. one fun goal and the other is a learning goal over the summer. they are drawing from the big idea that “learning is a lifelong enterprise“. So, just because students are on summer break doesn’t mean the learning has to stop.
Core competency: Self-regulating; they set goals, monitor progress… I recognize my value and advocate for my rights. I take responsibility for my choices, my actions, and my achievements.
Positive personal and cultural identity
Social awareness and responsibility